Meet the Designers


“a stainless steel plate is polished in one circular motion until a reflecting halo appears”

©photo vormen

Emma Terweduwe

“In my weavings I work with natural materials, that are subtile yet expressive such as wool and linen. By felting and manipulating, the fabrics change. They shrink, move, distort. Structure and texture of a fabric are very important, tactility is what it is all about. In that way I criticise our fast and visually driven society, by making textiles that are meant to touch our tactile senses. “

©photo emma terweduwe

Bloe Van Eeckhout

"Within my work I search for a perfect balance between material, shape and color. With the aim of purity and simplicity provided."

©photo bloe


"I’m fascinated with traditional textiles; this is often a big inspiration at the point where I start my creative process."

©photo alexandra Colmenares

Studio Biskt

"At the crossroads of art and design, a dual universe where ideas arise from hybridizations between industrial processes and manual skills."

©photo studio BISKT & Lydie Laville

la Gadoue Atelier

“Dans un monde de plus en plus dématérialisé, nous voulons reconnecter l'humain à son environnement.
C'est en réinventant les techniques et les procédés que nous créons des ponts entre industrie et artisanat.”

©photo la gadoue atelier

Amorce Studio

“Notre travail s’inspire de techniques artisanales que l’on associe à des matériaux contemporains. Nous concevons en unissant nos compétences afin d’assurer le suivi de projet du premier dessin jusqu’à la fabrication.”

©photo amorce

Liesbet Lutin

"in search of color, shape and functionality”

©photo liesbet lutin

Louis Tardy

“We have a responsibility to find better ways to produce and consume things in the future by rethinking how we do things today.”

©photo louis tardy


"I love how natural light gives different shadows and atmospheres. No day, hour or minute is the same, it is a beautiful show that never ceases to amaze me."

©photo hartwerp

Tim Somers

"In my work I let the material determine what the function of my design will be as much as possible."

©photo tim somers

James Van Vossel

"works playful, from sketchbook to workplace,
through material intervention towards solutions."

©photo Alain Six

© Copyright 2024 Sophie Laenen
© webdesign by intuitiv